Try this for your biceps, it is a favorite of mine and is best done with a partner. I would use a closer grip on the bar for this routine but any grip can be used. The idea of this routine is to start heavy with lower reps and drop weight as you while increasing the reps. The extra work comes in with the training partner. When you finished the amount of reps you needed to do have your partner help you push out 2-3 extra burn reps on each set. You will do your last set with 1/4 curls. To do these simply curl the bar from the bottom to 1/4 of the way up and then lower the bar back down and then all the way up. This would equal one rep.
** drop 2.5lbs per side of the bar for each new rep scheme
2 sets of 6 reps
rest 1 minute between sets
2 sets of 8 reps
rest 1 minute between sets
2 sets of 10 reps
rest 1 minute between sets
2 sets of 12 reps
rest 1 minute between sets
1 set of 1/4 curls for reps to failure