Many people go to the grocery store without a plan and just walk the aisles grabbing whatever catches their eye. Next time to take a journey to your local grocery store have a plan of attack. Good rule of thumb is to stay to the outside aisles of the store. Think veggies, fruits, and meats. Below is a list of some things to buy.
- Eggs
- Skinless boneless chicken breast- cheap and high in protein, major staple in the diet
- Ground turkey
- Buffalo ( Bison )- lean red meat, high in protein and some call it the healthiest meat. expensive but well worth it
- Canned tuna-great source of protein and quick and easy. Avoid consuming too often because of high mercury content.
- Salmon
- Pork tenderloin- lean and tasty without being too pricey
- Cottage cheese-Slow digesting protein that can be used as a snack between big gaps in meals
- Whole grains
- Oatmeal
- Veggies
- Fruits
- Brown rice
- Quinoa
- Olive oil- use it all the time
- Flaxseed oil- great to add to protein shakes for omega 3's
- Nuts
- Peanut/almond butter- add to shakes, on sandwiches or on fruit
- Avocado-healthy fat source, it is natures butter