For this routine try and keep the barbell press weight the same throughout since you will be decreasing the reps each set. The weight on the 1/2 press most likely will need to be lowered each round. As always make adjustments needed to hit the target reps.
A)Dumbbell chest press- 1 set of 10 reps
Rest 1 minute and repeat x2
Once finished with 3 sets rest 1 minute and do exercise B
B) Barbell 1/2 chest press- 1 set of 5-6 reps
Rest 1 minute and repeat x 2
Once finished with 3 sets rest 1 minute and do exercise A
** 1/2 presses are done by lifting the bar off the rack and lowering it all the way down, once at the bottom press just 1/2 way up and then lower it down again and then drive the bar completely up. This equals one rep.
A) Dumbbell chest press-1 set of 8 reps
Rest 1 minute and repeat x 1
Once finished with 2 sets rest 1 minute and do exercise B
B) Barbell 1/2 chest press- 1 set of 5-6 reps
Rest 1 minute and repeat x 1
Once finished with 2 sets rest 1 minute and do exercise A
A) Dumbbell chest press-1 set of 6 reps
Rest 1 minute before finishing up with exercise B
B) Barbell 1/2 chest press-1 set of 5-6 reps
Done and done!
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