Wednesday, December 29, 2010
My rant for the day-Pre-workout supplements

Monday, December 27, 2010
The New Year is almost here- 3 Ways to burn more calories

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
More random thoughts...........

- With holiday partys almost every weekend and bad unhealthy food everywhere you turn it can be hard to stay on track this time of the year. The key is not to fall off the cliff, try and at least limit the damage until years end and then start fresh and go get it Jan 1!
- Please stop doing 3 sets of everything! Everyone loves doing 3 sets, trainers included. We tend to think that 2 sets is too few and 4..well that's way too many...so 3 becomes perfect. WRONG! You must change things up. You will not be looked at funny in the gym if you do 5 sets....so do it! If you are trying to pack on some muscle volume is essential so up your sets here and there.
- Greek yogurt is superior to regular yogurt. Its higher in protein and lower in carbs which is perfect in my book. Chobani is my favorite brand.
- Doing nothing but cardio makes you look doughy........resistance training makes you look good. Your choice.
- A great thing to do is buy a big jar and put a bunch of mixed nuts and dried fruit ( the good quality kind not the kind loaded with sugar and preservatives) in it. Anytime you need to feed grab some for a great protein/slightly sweet snack.
- Ladies if you want your legs to look good then you need to focus on angles and variety. Do lunges forward, backward, laterally and in every direction you can. Do squats, deadlifts, lateral steps, forward steps, just move at every possible angle and your legs will get the look you want. Sprints are great as well.
- If your trying to get a bigger bench and bigger triceps then you better be doing close grip presses.
- I was sick for bit and wasn't able to workout until just recently and let me tell you it felt amazing! You cant beat the feeling of working out and changing your body. If you don't get that rush when you workout its time to check yourself and find why you do what you do in the gym. Give yourself a reason to love your workouts.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Tricep long head work-Routine to blast the inner portion of the tricep

Friday, December 17, 2010
Tip of the day

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
6 things people do wrong in the gym

Monday, December 13, 2010
Drop sets

- I wouldn't do more than 2-4 weight reductions ( drops ) during the routine- So if you start with 200lbs for bench, then you do 190, 180 and finish with 170. This would be 3 drops in weight.
- Stay within the 6-12 rep range since that is the best range for muscle hypertrophy. Sometimes you can go with the higher 15-20 rep range on your last drop.
- Don't do drop sets all the time- They are intense and you will overtrain and quickly burn out if you do. They say a ratio of 3:1 is best. Meaning do 3 regular sets and then 1 drop set.
Friday, December 10, 2010
6 more weight loss tips

- Fat free popcorn
- Pre-cooked chicken breast
- Containers filled with brown rice
- Whole grain wraps or pitas
- Bags of pre-washed greens
- Frozen veggies
5. Don't cope with stress with food- Sooner or later the time will come when your super stressed and you will want to eat something that will make you feel better. Most likely when you go to de-stress by eating you will grab something that isn't good for you. A better option is to go listen to music, read a book, write in a journal, or exercise!
6. Keep working out hardcore-Don't let the workout get you.....but you attack the workout! Go Dominate!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Random thoughts.............

- Nothing beats the feeling of dominating your workout-if you don't have the I just conquered the world feeling when you are done odds are you don't workout hard enough. Feel like a badass when you walk out of the gym!
- Egg nog is a good option around the holidays for your post workout shake- Yes it is high in calories, fat and sugar but if you are trying to pack on muscle it is amazing! If your trying to trim up then not so much.
- If you don't own a foam roller then buy one-If you workout often you need one of these to keep your muscle tissue feeling good. http://www.performbetter.com/detail.aspx_Q_ID_E_5566_A_CategoryID_E_235
- Nothing beats the Victoria Secret Fashion Show- If they all were not so thin I would offer to train them.
- Guys should NEVER...NEVER.....NEVER wear tiny shorts to workout in-I witnessed this a week ago at the gym I work at and it just is not good for anyone.
- Most women don't work out with enough intensity and that's why they cant get a smaller butt or thinner thighs or toned arms-Ladies you need to drop People magazine and start working out with some authority and then maybe you will notice some changes.
- Christmas music is just perfect this time of the year
- The basic Chin-up is great to add some size to your arms
- Kind brand bars taste amazing and are great for you! The basic fruit and nut bar is one of my favorites. http://kindsnacks.com/
Monday, December 6, 2010
E.O.M-Lying lateral shoulder raise

Friday, December 3, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
H4 Fat Burner #14- Max reps giant set

Monday, November 29, 2010
BHM- Between Holiday Mindset

Legs....like squats and deadlifts
- Triceps
- Anything cardio
- Circuits
- Pullups, inverted row
- All circuits
- Involve leg work 2-3x week
- Start doing assisted pullups and inverted rows
- Add interval training to your routines.......read my post from a couple of days ago
I want you to seriously give this a try and let me know your results. Go Dominate.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Muscle building foods

Monday, November 22, 2010
One of the most brutal chest routines yet!

Friday, November 19, 2010
Russian squat routine

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Interval Training-Mike Boyle article
Monday, November 15, 2010
Getting your goals- The HARD is what makes it great!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Mass building routine for big arms!-Chin-up ladders

Monday, November 8, 2010
Tricep tri-set

Friday, November 5, 2010
Staying motivated!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Big back Wednesday workout

Go Dominate.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Top 5 reasons resistance training is beneficial

Friday, October 29, 2010
Reviewing protein supplements

- Terrible taste
- Terrible mixing protein
- Very $$
- No reason to buy this
- Solid choice but nothing great
- Added supplements are nice
- Tastes very well
- Mixes very well
- High quality
- Good flavors
- Little $$
- Decent product
- Don't buy Cookies n cream!
- Low price
- One of most popular
- My personal favorite because of solid price and flavor ( chocolate)
- Not loaded with extra garbage
- Personally not a fan
- Some like the taste, but not me
- Too many ingredients you cant pronounce
- Good nutritional value
- Sometimes doesn't shake and mix well
- Taste is middle of the road, often is pasty
- Newest version has cut down on the fat content
- Full of vitamins
- For those looking for low carb option
- Artificially sweetened............I am not a fan of this, but most low carb options are
- Lots of vitamins and glutamine
- Mixes well
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Shape-Ups- The real truth

" Now you can get into shape without setting foot into a gym"-Sketchers Shape-Ups video
There has been two recent studies from the American Council of Exercise that concluded there is "simply no evidence to support the claims that these shoes will help wearers exercise more intensely, burn more calories or improve muscle strength and tone." Sure Sketchers claims their product does work and they give numerous testimonials on how satisfied people are with them but don't be fooled. Most of the time these companies do horrible studies and end up with garbage that they try and make seem like real evidence to you.
Overall Shape-Ups to me do nothing for you. They claim to help your posture when in fact they seem to put you into worse posture. They claim they will reduce cellulite which is just hilarious, sorry your not losing cellulite because your sporting these shoes! If you really love how the shoes look and they get you moving and active then good for you, but do not expect true results or miracles from these things.
Monday, October 25, 2010
You should do this! Upper/Lower body super sets

Friday, October 22, 2010
E.O.M-Guillotine Bench Press

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
CONSISTENCY- You must have it!

Monday, October 18, 2010
Hamstring killer

Friday, October 15, 2010
Old school training philosophies

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
H4 fat burning full-body workout
This is a great full body routine that you can use to burn a ton of calories in your workout in minimal time. I would not recommend this workout for any beginner. Here is the workout on paper.
Everything is a super set and do each super set 3-4 rounds without rest. Take your rest between groupings of exercises.
A1) Dumbbell pushup/deadlift/jacknive combo-6 reps
A2) Box Jumps-15 reps
B1) lateral lunge with dumbbell row- 6 reps per side
B2) Ball slams-15 reps
C1) Lateral band chops- 15 reps per side
C2) Lateral plate squat and press-6 reps per side
D1) Band row and reverse lunge ( palms down grip )-15 reps per side
D2) Floor jacks-20 reps
Now get yourself off the floor and rest your done!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Extended faitgue sets

- First set use a palms up grip and do 5-6 reps. When you start to fail switch to a palms down grip, wait 10 seconds and do more reps to failure. Once you failed again now grab a pair of dumbbells and perform more reps until failure with a hammer grip ( palms face each other)
Friday, October 8, 2010
Some of my favorite workout songs

- Green Day-Brain stew
- Bill Conti-Gonna fly now ( theme from Rocky )
- Roy Jones-Cant be touched
- Limp Bizkit- Rollin
- Fort Minor-Remember the name
- Manafest-Impossible
- Jorge Quintero-300 violin orchestra
- DMX-Party up in here
- DMX-Intro
- Overseer-Slayed
- Papa Roach-Last resort
- Earshot-Wait
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Interview with Bret Contreras

Monday, October 4, 2010
Pumping the pecs!

Friday, October 1, 2010
Would you like to........
Get motivated! Some of my favorite inspirational/motivational videos

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Want bigger arms?

- Try pausing half way up for a 2 second hold and then finishing the movement up and then back down. You can also pause on way down as well.
- Change your grips- do the first set with a very close grip, then put down the bar and widen your grip and do more reps, put down the bar and widen your grip again for your last set.
- Do negatives on the way down with a 6-8 second count.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Pass the Kiwi

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Badass back routine

Monday, September 20, 2010
From anger to iron

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Deja vu chest routine

Monday, September 13, 2010
Breakfast is served!

- I don't like breakfast
- I don't have time
**SOLUTION-You are not making a gourmet buffet here, you can spare 2-5 minutes for breakfast some how.....just make it happen!
- Eating in the morning makes me sick
**SOLUTION-This is most likely because you are used to not eating. Take it slow and gradually introduce eating a solid meal to your body.
- I had a cup of coffee and doughnut
** SOLUTION-Don't eat the doughnut! Coffee I will be ok with...just have it with an actual breakfast item.
All of these are just lame excuses! Eat your breakfast.....make it happen!
So why eat breakfast?
For those who want to lose weight- People think by skipping breakfast they will be saving calories but in fact you will just make those up by snacking and eating later in the day. By eating breakfast you jump start your metabolism early on and you will eat fewer calories throughout the rest of day.
For those looking to gain muscle- Breakfast is the first chance to get some calories and lean protein into your system. Skipping breakfast means losing out on muscle building nutrition.
Breakfast ideas
- Eggs and whole wheat toast
- Oatmeal
- High fiber cereal- 3 to 5 grams of fiber a serving will be just fine
- Peanut butter on a whole grain English muffin
- Yogurt
- Smoothies- use fresh fruit, yogurt, skim milk or juice and your favorite protein supplement
- McDonalds Egg McMuffin with canadian bacon- if you must go this route least you will get protein and solid quality bacon. This is one of McDonalds few menu items I would ever recommend.
Remember- If you are going to eat carbs the morning is ideal because you will start off with energy and you will give yourself the whole day to burn it off.