Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Get a 6-pack like Usher

Usher has always been known to have some of the best abs around.....and well of course numerous hit songs. The key to Ushers look is not only hard work in the gym but hard work in the kitchen as well. Your diet must be in line with your workouts. Usher recently shared his ab routine with Men's Fitness in their June/July 2010 issue. Below is his workout.

Do this at least three times per week. He does a move for 30 seconds, then, after a 10-second rest, runs on the treadmill for two minutes. He repeats with the next movement until he’s done with each exercise. His goal: Five circuits in less than an hour.

Incline Resistance Ball Plank -In a push-up position place your hands on top of the resistance ball. Make sure hands are shoulder width apart, feet are securely balanced on the floor and glutes are not positioned higher than your shoulders. Balance and hold this position for 30 seconds. Breathing is instrumental to maintaining balance. Run on treadmill for 2 minutes with a speed level of 5.4 (adjust levels as needed). After 10 second recovery, repeat. Goal is to complete three sets of this series.

**Contract your whole core during this exercise. Really brace your entire mid section for this plank. If 30 seconds is too easy for you then make the changes needed. Adjust the speeds on the treadmill to suite you as well.

Prone Knee Tuck-Begin on all fours starting in a push-up position. Kneel down, and bring right knee in towards your right elbow. Be sure to alternate knees – right leg to right elbow/left knee to left elbow – and return to the starting position. Continue this exercise for 30 seconds. Run on treadmill for 2 minutes with a speed level of 5.4 (adjust levels as needed). After 10 second recovery, repeat. Goal is to complete three sets of this series.

**Posture is huge on this exercise. Don’t let your hips sag or your butt fly up into the air. Keep a straight line with your body throughout the movement.

Alternating Medicine Ball Pushup-Start in a push-up position with your left hand on the floor and your right hand balanced on top of an 8 lb. medicine ball. While going down simultaneously roll the ball to your left hand. Remember one hand should always be on the ball and the other on the floor – at all times. This is an advanced exercise and requires balance and arm coordination. Continue this exercise for 30 seconds. Run on treadmill for 2 minutes with a speed level of 5.4 (adjust levels as needed). After 10 second recovery, repeat. Goal is to complete three sets of this series.

**If you are not able to complete 30 seconds of pushups with the medicine ball then do some other pushup variation. Like with everything else maintain a tight braced core.

Upside Down Banana Crunch-Laying flat on your stomach, slightly lift your hands and feet as they should not touch the floor. The goal is to roll over on your back reach up and touch your toes without having your hands or feet touch the floor. This is an advanced movement and requires balance. Continue this exercise for 30 seconds. Run on treadmill for 2 minutes with a speed level of 5.4 (adjust levels as needed). After 10 second recovery, repeat. Goal is to complete three sets of this series.

**This is a challenging exercise.

Egg Roll Crunch-Lay on your back with your hands palmed over your ears – cupping your ears. Lying on your back, bring your knees to your chest; Rolling up into a sitting position. Be sure to maintain positioning by keeping your hands over your ears. Once in a sitting position, roll back on your shoulders and your hips should be above your chest. Your goal is to not allow your hands to touch. Continue this exercise for 30 seconds. Run on treadmill for 2 minutes with a speed level of 5.4 (adjust levels as needed). After 10 second recovery, repeat. Goal is to complete three sets of this series.

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